Releases, BTS and all things behind and about CZP.
4th Single Release "3AM"
On Feb 4, 2022 Cory Z Project releases it's 4th single off the MTSpaces album. This song was literally written at 3AM on a very rough night. A melodic track that visits the dark and melancholy space of the album.
3rd Single Release "SCREAM"
On Dec 17, 2021 Cory Z Project releases it's 3rd single off the MTSpaces. Written during the pandemic CZP put a more pop rock tone to this one, but still keeping the octane inspiration.
2nd Single Release "BEAUTIFUL WAY"
On Nov 19, 2021 Cory Z Project releases it's 2nd single off the MTSpaces. An octane rock song taking you through the strife and mental challenges of the world we live. This song is a follow up to the critically acclaimed release of RUN.
First Single Release "RUN"
Oct 29, 2021 Cory Z Project releases it's first single off the MTSpaces. An octane rock song taking you through the strife and mental challenges of the world we live.